(partial listing)
Client: Xerox Corp.
Summary: Xerox Corp. continued to grow its technology outsourcing efforts with cloud services, and needed to reach technology, retail and healthcare business leaders. Working with Xerox marketing teams, I created social media channels, interviewed company executives and subject-matter experts, and wrote content for their respective Twitter channels and blogs.
Blog post, "Wearables in the workplace"
Blog post, "Global Retailers Share a Winning Imperative: The Worker"
Blog post, "5 Ways Manufacturers Get It and Get Ahead"
Blog post, "Retailers Reluctantly View In-Store Mobile Solutions as a Must-Do"
This blog -- and related posts -- were recently removed from being online

Client: Clear Demand
Summary: This early-stage provider of retail price optimization software and services sought business communications expertise that could help it establish relationships with research analysts and industry editors and reporters. It also needed a primary source to create content and support its social media presence, includiing blog posts. Since 2014, I have worked with Clear Demand's CEO and senior executives to build its PR and online presence in the retail sector.
Blog post, "Let’s Face It, Retailers are in a Pickle When It Comes to Pricing"
Blog post, "The New Retail Reality Requires Advanced Retail Pricing Promotion"
News release, "Clear Demand introduces new omnichannel promotion pricing technology"
News coverage

Using my skills as both a business communicator and journalist, I work with companies to build and tell a story that editors and reporters want to hear. Below are some of the stories I pitched and placed for clients.

Within my career and life as a writer there are certain stories, topics and clients that just "click." Here are some of my personal favorites through the years.
Being a Daddy for the first time (Dalls Child/Baby Dallas guest column)
Bad weather, Dallas Cowboys and transportation (client case study)
Cardiology: New devices, new directions (health care newsletter article)
Retail: Madness, momentum & the marketplace (client case study)
Hidden braces (client PR pitch/Dallas Business Journal)
woot! (client PR pitch/national)